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Items Required :- 1) SystemUI.apk 2) Apktool 3) Text Editor (Notepad ++) Procedure:- 1) First of All decompile SystemUI.apk using apktool. 2) Now Goto res/layout folder. 3) Open status_bar_recent_item.xml 4) Now in its line no. 2 add this code android:layout_marginTop="-75.0dip" android:rotationX="-10.0" 5) Save it. 6) Also Open Status_bar_recent_panel.xml 7) In line no. 2 add android:rotationX="10.0" 8) Save it. 9) Recompile and push meta inf and androidmanifest.xml of your original apk to the modded one. 10) Push it and set permissions to rw--r-r Dont cook up your phone. Note:- If You faced any deformalities regarding thumbnail size change Thumbnail_height and thumbnail_width to 250.0px Tested in JB 4.2.2 MTK For Samsung Samsung JellyBean TouchWiz Users Can go Over how-to-lollipop-recent-apps-touchwiz-t3074067