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GravityBox [O]

GravityBox is a module which primary goal is to provide the users of devices running vanilla or close to vanilla Android

with a tweak box that turns their stock ROM into a custom ROM packed with additional features and tweaks;
without the need of flashing a custom ROM. Most of the preferences can be changed on-the-fly without rebooting.

For Lollipop, use GravityBox [LP]
For KitKat, use GravityBox [KK]
For JellyBean, use GravityBox [JB]
For Marshmallow, use GravityBox [MM]
For Nougat, use GravityBox [N]
Main features
- QuickSettings tile management with additional tiles
- Pie Controls
- Expanded desktop with semi-immersive and immersive modes
- Lockscreen tweaks
- Statusbar tweaks
- Navigation bar tweaks
- Power tweaks
- Display tweaks
- Media tweaks
- Phone tweaks
- Hardware key actions
- Launcher tweaks
- Screen recording
- Smart radio
- Notification control (per-app notification LED/sounds/vibrations)
- Fingerprint Launcher
... and many more
- Supports AOSP devices running vanilla Android Oreo 8.0/8.1
- Supports OnePlus 3T running official OOS 5.0.1
DOES NOT support devices running ROMs vastly modified by device manufacturers (HTC Sense, LG, Samsung Touchwiz, MIUI, LeWa, Xperia, ...)
SHOULD NOT be used with custom ROMs like Lineage, AOSPA, or any other derivative - it makes no sense since the most of the features are already in the ROM (may cause conflicts and unexpected behavior)
Info about premium features and PayPal transaction ID verification system
1) Those who supported development via PayPal donation can use their PayPal transaction ID to unlock premium features.
Currently there are two premium features: 1) Backup/restore of GB settings 2) Ultimate notification control
2) If you contributed to the project by providing translations, code fragments, or by any other way
you can apply for a free transaction ID by contacting me via PM @
3) Be aware that there's a system that can identify potential transaction ID
abuse. E.g. when one ID is being used by more users. Such IDs will get blocked automatically.
This can also happen when you previously exposed your ID in public forum and other users took
advantage of it. If this is the case, contact me via PM so I can issue new, special ID.
In case you own more devices, you can use one transaction ID on up to 10 of them.
4) If you are using your own custom builds of GB for personal use, you will get hash mismatch
upon verifying your ID as verification system accepts requests only from official releases of GB.
If you want to be able to verify IDs with your custom build, contact me via PM so I can setup
a special hash for your build.
If you are using a custom build that you provide for broader group of users (e.g. in a custom ROM),
it is necessary to ask for new hash everytime your new custom version is released for public use.
These rules are based on mutual trust so please, do not violate them.
Donation is also possible by purchasing GravityBox Unlocker from the Play Store



Support/Discussion URL:

Source code URL:



Version name: 


Release type: 

Stable (low risk of bugs)


com.ceco.oreo.gravitybox_v821_d4ba63.apk(6.59 MB)

Number of downloads: 

14,759 in total · 500 in the last 24 hours

MD5 checksum: 


Uploaded on: 

Friday, June 29, 2018 - 13:07


- QuietHours: added support for multiple time ranges:
--- allows to set multiple time ranges for automatic quiet hours together with days which they apply to
--- change requires setting up new time ranges; as the previous ones are not preserved due to design changes
- QuietHours Interactive Mode: treat session as interactive when device is locked during phone call
- OOS Call Recording enabler:
--- reworked to support all OP devices/OOS variants
--- enabled call recorder specific options in Phone settings (auto call recording, etc.)
--- should survive firmware updates
- Search: include all children of matching preference categories
- Updated Turkish translations (thanks to Fatih Firinci)
Full Changelog:

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