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Lucky Patcher


Lucky Patcher is an app that gives you real control over the permissions you give to the apps installed on your Android. You can delete excessive advertising, change the permissions, create backups of other apps, and much more. That said, you do need a rooted device in order to enjoy these features.

When you open Lucky Patcher you'll see a comprehensive list of all the apps installed on the device. You just have to tap one of them to see the available options: view the app's information, uninstall it, delete additional data, and access other special tools.

Among these special tools you can find interesting features that let you, for example, deactivate ads, and even run the app in conditions in which you normally couldn't. You can even create an APK modified according to your preferences.

Lucky Patcher lets you take control of the apps installed on your Android. As with almost all apps that give more control to the user, a rooted device is required to access all the features.

What exactly is Lucky Patcher?

These days cracking apps has become so widespread a practice on Android that it’s prompted a sad exodus toward Freemium models to put the brakes on unsustainable levels of piracyLucky Patcher is a tool that’s not designed for cracking purposes, but does offer a series of features to manipulate apps that, illegalities aside, let you do certain operations which in specific situations might be of great help (despite how much the nature of the app seems to point in the opposite direction). 

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