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Call to a function with sending data from another View Controller in Swift Xcode iOS Application

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Once installed and activated in the Xposed Installer, you'll have to reboot your phone. You'll then have the opportunity to load the default definition rule set (very limited but hopefully will grow with time). The settings are immediately active but you might have to kill and restart the targeted application. Beware that rules are disabled by default.

This module can work in conjunction with rootcloak: while this latter have a very generic approach and tries to catch any attempt to detect root on your phone, Surrogate have a very application specific approach. It start from the idea that any software doing root detection, at some point in the code, calls one (or many) methods like "isRooted". We just want the answer to this question be "false". So once you'll found the method in question, Surrogate will make sure that the answer is the one you expect.

Feel free to share the rules you create with me so I can include them in the default set.

Please note that I have limited developing skills and much more limited time so there probably won't be many versions as long as this fits my needs. The code is open so feel free to fork it.

A note about beta: current beta version are just as stable than the stable version but for the on execution java compilation that I haven't been able to properly test. If you don't need this feature (or are ready to test), prefer the beta version which is much better looking.



Support/Discussion URL:

Source code URL:



Version name: 


Release type: 

Beta (some bugs to be expected)


net.csu333.surrogate_v1_7e7c6a.apk (1.81 MB)

Number of downloads: 

77 in total · 56 in the last 24 hours

MD5 checksum: 


Uploaded on: 

Saturday, January 28, 2017 - 08:37


Added confirmation on delete (thanks to w0rinal)
Fixed bug when copying rule

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