What's root?how? What's root- We've talked a lot about root and Android in the past five years. We've discussed the good, we've discussed the bad. We'll keep talking about both, because root on Android, like Android itself, is a constantly evolving thing. As Android matures, the wide-open style of root access we may have grown used to with legacy versions has gone away. Because Android is designed for mobile devices, the focus is on security — specifically the security of your life's data you might have stored away on that screen in your pocket. We've seen Android go from the wild-west days of unfettered Superuser access, to locked down and tamper-proof (well, they try to be) devices meant for folks who need the extra level for their business details. For some of us, this is a hinderance and we don't want Google or the folks who made our phone trying to protect us from ourselves. But for each p...