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Showing posts from April, 2018

Call to a function with sending data from another View Controller in Swift Xcode iOS Application

  Download project zip Or access each file in the project

WhatsApp Go

---------------------------------------------------------- Gojek Versi 3.6.1 Gojek Versi 3.6.0 Gojek Versi 3.5.1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Open Member ASP FRAMWORK Kunjungi Hub Telegram : @ASPFRAM Untuk Aktivasi User ---------------------------------------------------------- Semoga bermanfaat bagi Rekan Rekan Sekalian WhatsApp GO Untuk Para Driver GOJEK GRAB agar Mempermudah Untuk Menghubungi pelanggan nya Author(s):  ASP framwork Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.restu.Whatsappgo Version name:  1.1 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.restu.Whatsappgo_v1_5d7c1a.apk  (111.59 KB) Number of downloads:  1,199 in total · 145 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  5d7c1a0831303e6c422f03250d859e89 Uploaded on:...

Perfect fingerprint-完美指纹

【完美指纹】Xposed模块 作用:解决系统限制不能直接用指纹解锁! 场景:开机时、设备锁定时、充电时…… 基哥首次写Xposed,在8.0的一加3T上完美使用。 建议你们安装后,多次测试,如与系统不兼容,请立刻卸载! https :// /apk/ djwdj.wmzw Author(s):  djwdj Support/Discussion URL:  https :// /apk/ djwdj.wmzw Source code URL:  https :// /l-0/ WMZW Package:  djwdj.wmzw Version name:  1.0 Release type:...

Uniformed Transitions

Some apps use custom animations when switching between activities. They mostly use the "slide in" animation to mimic iOS. This module disables this function and forces the system's default animations for more consistent UI across the apps. Technical info: overridePendingTransition is overridden to prevent custom animation files It should work on all android versions Author(s):  darkion Support/Discussion URL: Package:  net.darkion.uniformedtransitions Version name:  1.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  net.darkion.uniformedtransitions_v1_f74bdc.apk  (84.52 KB) Number of downloads:  362 in total · 102 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  f74bdc0f78b6b19f142bcbdb9d6bfe4e Uploaded on:  Thursday, April 26, 2018 - 15:32 Changes:  Initial release


Apply custom fonts on a Per-App Basis This module allows you to use your own custom fonts not only without flashing a zip, but also have individual fonts for each individual app. However, due to Android's system permission, there is a catch. Changing fonts for apps will work without a reboot, BUT a reboot is needed to LOAD the fonts.. (See  important  below) IMPORTANT:  • If you  change your Font Folder, a reboot is required. , • If you  add fonts  to your font folder,  a reboot is required. • If you  eject your SD-card , the loaded fonts will  continue to be usable and changeable  until reboot. • It's recommended you do not store more than 500 fonts on your font folder if you have a single core phone. (Don't make the same mistake I did) First Install Instructions: 1) Have Xposed Framework installed 2) Install PerAppFonts 3) Download Fonts on your internal/external SD card (if you haven't already) 4) Go...


Fixed icon size for built-in battery theme Fixed for battery not showing properly on plug/unplug status on TW 4.2.+ Non-International variants Sprint, T-mobile... Theme chooser for battery icon on status bar Changes battery icon's color to any color code for Colorable themes 1% battery is modded and working even on stock roms Battery animation is added Supports mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi Themes are prepared in normal apk format and not xposed module anymore Themes are categorized into to colorable and non-colorable themes Author(s):  kmokhtar79 ,  xperiacle Support/Discussion URL: Package:  mobi.xperiacle.xposed.mod.xbatterythemer Version name:  1.2 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  mobi.xperiacle.xposed.mod.xbatterythemer_v3_d33296.apk  (1.3 MB) Number of downloads:  412,010 in total · 28 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  d...

SubNa XRP [Android 7.0+]

This is the SubNa's Xposed Resources Package. It will allow SubNa Navbars to theme your navbar buttons using Xposed framework. Author(s):  deadlynounou Support/Discussion URL: Package:  lfprodev.subna.xrp Version name:  1.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  lfprodev.subna.xrp_v2_8db4bb.apk  (3.85 MB) Number of downloads:  294 in total · 190 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  8db4bba94c41e937636abfd304936ab1 Uploaded on:  Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - 23:03


Download it from Google Play GravityBox is actually a module for Xposed, the awesome framework that lets you basically create your own custom ROM with just the features you want—and no ROM flashing required. So, you'll need to be rooted and have the Xposed framework installed for this to work, but it's insanely easy to set up.

Recents Floating Apps

Current floating apps - Calculator - Camera - Widget - Launch a widget from any app in a floating window - Browser - Note - Write and save notes - Todo List How it works When you launch the app, you can click the plus button in the bottom right corner to add a menu item. You can add any of the above items. The free version is limited to three menu items. With the pro version you can add as many as you want. After you have added a few menu items, you have to either restart your phone or click the settings cog and click restart SystemUI (requires root). You can also find a couple of other settings here. If you launch your recent apps screen now, you should see a floating menu button from which you can launch the floating apps. You can move the floating app by holding and dragging the top bar and resize them by holding and dragging the bottom right corner. You can also use this app without Xposed by just launching the app and clicking an item in the list. This will also launch th...

Android Device Changer[K,L,M,N]

查看并修改安卓手机设备信息: IMEI、AndroidID、Wifi Mac、SerialNum、Wifi SSID、手机号、Bluetooth Mac、Google Ad Id、Wifi BSSID、IMSI、Sim卡状态、运营商信息、机器型号、制造商、品牌、系统版本、CPU_ABI、CPU_ABI2、SDK、BuildID、分辨率、IP等。 使用方法: - 安装APP,运行APP即可查看手机信息,可以随机修改信息 - 安装Xposed - 在Xposed框架中启用本模块 - 重启手机 View ...

Device ID Masker Free

------------------------------------------------------------------- Utility To Mask Some Vital Information Of Device. The Main Aim Is To Spoof The Values From Third Party Apps Which Tracks Users And Their Personal Data But It Can Also Spoof Android System And System Apps But Is Not A Recommended. -------------------------------------------------------------------- !!..REQUIREMENT..!! -> Rooted Device. -> Xposed Framework Installed. (If You Don't Know Then Google ''What Is Xposed Framework'') -------------------------------------------------------------------- !!..FEATURES..!! 1. Change The Values Of Below Fields As Per Your Choice. -> IMEI Number  [Not Available In Free Version]  -> Hardware Serial  [Not Available In Free Version] (Can Also Be Used In Free Version By Enabling Ads From Settings)  -> Manufacturer Serial  [Not Available In Free Version] (Can Also Be Used In Free Version By Enabling Ads From Settings)  -> Bluetoo...

Wifi QR Code Creator

An android app that generates QR codes from your saved wifi networks, and shows network information. The xposed bit adds shortcuts in the wifi settings app (only available on android 6.0+ at the moment). Source & README: Usage in the app's UI: The app needs root access to read your saved wifi information.Tap a wifi entry to display its QR code.Hold a wifi entry, or press the security icon, to display more details. Usage from the settings app: The settings app needs root access to read your saved wifi information.Hold a wifi network, and choose an option from the menu that appears. Author(s):  theOriginalSuperl2 Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  tk.superl2.xwifi Version name:  0.2.0 Release type:  Beta...

External Link (去你大爷的内置浏览器)

它可以接管QQ等App打开浏览器的事件,使您可在聊天页面点击链接直接打开浏览器,而非App的内置浏览器。 When QQ or some apps wants to open links in theirs internal browsers, open your browser instead. 目前支持QQ、QQ轻聊版、QQ国际版、微信、微博等国产 App,亦可自定义规则。 Supports QQ, QQLite, QQIntl, Wechat and Weibo, custom rules can also be added. Coolapk: Google Play: Author(s):  oott123 Support/Discussion URL: ...


This module allows to open Facebook Lite links in the default system browser (lets you pick one if none set as default), instead of the ugly and slow build-in browser. There was a need to do this because the app settings won't let you decide whether you want to open it in their browser. Author(s):  bryanjhv Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  ga.charapa.exbrlite Version name:  1.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  ga.charapa.exbrlite_v1_2ff6a8.apk  (22.19 KB) Number of downloads:  14 in total · 14 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  2ff6a85caa758c0ccf65be5609a47f31 Uploaded on:  Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 09:31


XSTANA is an XPOSED-FRAMEWORK module  that theme your navigation and status bars. MAKE SURE THAT YOU FULLY READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE CONTACTING ME OR RATE THIS APP. _______________________________ *REQUIREMENTS* : A rooted device running Android 6 or lower. Higher versions are not well supported.Xposed-Framework running on your device. _______________________________ *MAIN FEATURES* : Status Bar theme: Apply a theme on these icons: alarm, wifi, signal, bluetooth, gps, battery, sync, ringer, headset.Adjust what icons to theme.You can choose what icons to theme. Navigation Bar theme: Apply an embedded theme on these elements : back, back-ime, home, recent, menu, search, highlight, background(translucent mode only).Apply a personalized theme with your own images on : back, back-ime, home, recent, menu, search, highlight, background(translucent mode only), qmemo(LG), qslide(LG), dual window(LG), notification down/up(LG).Adjust : background, scale-type, buttons color.You should t...


This module is based on MohammadAG's Instagram Downloader that is no longer supported. ****Marshmallow Users**** **Please enable storage access to Instagram (Setting -> Apps -> Instagram -> Permissions).** Compatibility Instagram 6.15 - Latest (Includes Alpha Versions) Features: - Change Default Save Locations - Comment Copy Feature (Removed by Instagram) - Direct Share Downloading - Feed Downloading - Follow Indicator (Indicates when someone is following you) - Following Data To List (See all the users you are following) - Profile Icon Downloading - Stories Downloading - Stories Timer Removal - Unique Hook Updating Instructions: - Enable Module - Open Instagram App - Find Desired Image/Video - Click Three Dot Icon and Download - It's downloading! Author(s):  iHelp101 ,  MohammadAG Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL:

Tinted Status Bar [BETA]

This module is in beta (revision 8). Expect bugs on untested devices. I have made all precautions to ensure devices don't explode, but you may or may not encounter some bugs depending on how invasive your OEM's changes are. Tinted Status Bar allows you to change the status bar colour based on the currently running application. As of BETA 5, this is done automatically for apps that have a standard Action Bar. If an application does not change the status bar colour, configure it to do so manually in the settings app, the values in this spreadsheet will help you: Devs, you can add support to your apps with this simple API Please visit the support thread for more details about compatibility and current issues. Author(s):  MohammadAG Support/Discussion URL: Sou...

Material Status Bar

I'm intoducing Material Status Bar !!!! This is a fork of Tinted Status Bar, which aim at making your device look like Lollipop on JB byt coloring the status bar according to the toolbar. The difference between Tinted and Material is that this latter colors the status bar with a darker shade of the toolbar (like Lollipop does). Another goal of this fork is to support AppCompat Toolbar. I searched for several days and couldn't get it. But I'll keep on trying I've only modified a few lines. 99% is by MohammadAG Author(s):  vinz244 ,  MohammadAG Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.vinz243.materialstatusbar Version name:  0.1.2 Release type:  Beta  (some bugs to be expected) Download:  com.vinz243.materialstatusbar_v3_76342a.apk  (455.26 KB) Number of downloads:  66,523 ...

Instant Screen-off

Instant Screen-off  is a dead-simple module for disabaling the screen-off animation. For backstory and more information, refer to this post:  Disabling Android's Screen-off Animation . The module should work well on  AOSP-like  ROMs, with Lollipop or later. Author(s):  HazemAM Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.hazemam.InstantScreenOff Version name:  1.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.hazemam.InstantScreenOff_v1_7d08cf.apk  (5.56 KB) Number of downloads:  3,347 in total · 7 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  7d08cf88b273fe349b49f374fe4e531b Uploaded on:  Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - 03:33 Changes:  Initial release.

Lock screen widgets [L-M-N] With this module you can add widgets to the stock lock screen. You can modify: - width. - height. - margin. - padding. - gravity. - scale widgets. - make the widget clickable (single, double or long click). - disable the automatic updates. Bonus: you can hide the clock, date and next alarm views. Also can set the position of the notifications. Min android version: Lollipop (5.0). Author(s):  SergioSanchezR Support/Discussion URL: Package:  com.ssrdroide.lockscreenwidgets Version name:  0.96 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.ssrdroide.lockscreenwidgets_v7_09088a.apk  (1.95 MB) Number of downloads:  16,461 in total · 59 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  09088aec7a6ea1eacf41ed999833e4e7 Uploaded on:  Tuesday, October 10, 2017 - 18:45 Changes:  V0.96 - [I...

Download Redirection

Redirect any download that using system download manager to your own downloader it won't work on the app if it has own downloader = some function explanation: Experiment: Enable alternative hooking method (for ADM) Not Specify Downloader: ignore selected downloader and send intent to all app Filter: Enable WhiteList: Checked mean enable whitelist (redirect only if download link matches the regex and/or app is in the list) Author(s):  manhong2112 Support/Discussion URL:  https :// /manhong2112/ DownloadRedirect /issues Source code URL:  https :// /manhong2112/ DownloadRedirect Package:  net.manhong2112.downloadredirect Version name:ゝ∀・) Release type:  Beta  (some bugs to be expected) Download:  net.manhong2112 . downloadredirect_v67_9b9cae.apk  (1.76 MB) Number of downloads:  2,452 in total · 13 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  9b9caea2c4c49480ed9c3a9...

GNL App Hider

PS. Download it from the  Play Store! Bored to see all this icons in the drawer? I am. But there is a solution! GNL App Hider, for hiding apps from both the GNL and the Pixel Launchers. It simply work out of the box. After you activate it in Xposed you only have to choose the apps you want to hide. This is all! No reboot required to apply changes (PS.  the first reboot is required ). You can try it for free, without time limitation, for a maximum of 5 hidden apps. It is tested and compatible with: • Google Now Launcher 7.3+ (also know as GNL, Google, Now Launcher or whatever Google wants...) • Pixel Launcher 7.1+ Author(s):  Massi-X Support/Discussion URL: Package:  com.metris.xposed.gnlapphider Version name:  1.0.4 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.metris.xposed.gnlapphider_v10_4a5f5f.ap...

Protect My Privacy (PMP)

Protect My Privacy lets you take control of your private information. It is being actively developed at SynergyLabs, Carnegie Mellon University. -- With PMP, you can allow, deny or fake access to your private data from any app or any 3rd party library! -- PMP lets you block wifi and mobile data on a per app basis. -- A minimalistic material design based UI to help you make decisions quickly. -- The choice to make group decisions or get notifications to make decisions on the go. Author(s):  synergylabscmu Support/Discussion URL: Package:  org.synergylabs.pmpandroid Version name:  2.5.5 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  org.synergylabs.pmpandroid_v31_386ba2.apk  (7.55 MB) Number of downloads:  5,781 in total · 37 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  386ba229d60815ca3bf19fe9b551d1ba Uploaded on:  Friday, December 22, 2017 - 11:11 Changes:  -- Bug f...

Sensor Disabler

Sensor Disabler (previously known as Disable Proximity) allows you to disable and modify the values for all the sensors available in your phone, including the proximity sensor! Author(s):  WardellBagby Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.mrchandler.disableprox Version name:  2.1.3 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.mrchandler.disableprox_v12_8a0777.apk  (1.76 MB) Number of downloads:  16,645 in total · 107 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  8a07770967f9c851f41c83cb9a586da0 Uploaded on:  Sunday, December 24, 2017 - 18:41 Changes:  Fixes performance issues causing bootloops. Changes how Sensors are updated. Changing Sensor values now will require the app using the sensor to be restarted, instead of it being an im...


This is an Xposed Module for Android that enables 180° rotation. Install, Reboot, Works! (Tested only with Android 7.0 on MIUI 9, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x; but it should work on all major Android roms.) Users on XDA report it's fully working on Samsung S7. Author(s):  Jacopo Mii Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.jacopomii.allrotationsenable Version name:  1.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.jacopomii.allrotationsenable_v1_da2c37.apk  (1.28 MB) Number of downloads:  6,566 in total · 49 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  da2c3773e02bb64d63ce71cff190a42d Uploaded on:  Wednesday, January 3, 2018 - 19:11


This is a navigation bar function extension module, in the navigation bar to add some shortcut functions: Drop down status bar, Quick reminder, Clear all notication, Screen off, Clear memory, Screenshot, controll music, etc. Author(s):  Cicadashadow Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.egguncle.xposednavigationbar Version name:  2.4.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.egguncle.xposednavigationbar_v33_f20d5d.apk  (1.16 MB) Number of downloads:  849 in total · 51 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  f20d5d4ab483f9e8875e616f67b783af Uploaded on:  Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - 12:38 Changes:  [FIX] fix a bug about navbar height [NEW] a switch for navbar height [NEW] come to main navbar after click [NEW] adaptation for oreo (just ...


Colour phone Status bar, Status bar Icons, Navigation bar and Recent program list automaticly, Makes it look like Material Design Style of Lollipop.(Even not Lollipop Design programs) Change style of Toast(pop-up message), make it consistency. Better compatibility and performance than similar programs. Test device: Sony Z3 with Android 5.1.1 and Xposed Framework v75-78. After tested 400+ special programs, perform perfectly. Author(s):  flarejune Support/Discussion URL: Package:  com.flarejune.perfectcolorbar Version name:  1.5.3 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.flarejune.perfectcolorbar_v157_f19eb2.apk  (123.6 KB) Number of downloads:  9,515 in total · 345 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  f19eb2a97c293869bd213de4f9a81568 Uploaded on:  Sunday, February 25, 2018 - 09:17 Changes:  1.Fix some bugs 2....

Android Phone Vibrator

This Xposed module can vibrate the phone on different call status. It should work on ICS to MM phone apps. Features: 1. Vibrate when an outgoing call is connected 2. Vibrate when an incoming call is connected 3. Vibrate when an incoming call is waiting 4. Vibrate when a call is ended 5. Vibrate during outgoing call at 45 second mark of every minute (default is off) 6. Vibrate once at fixed time after outgoing call is connected (default is off) 7. Any of the above features can be turned on/off 8. Vibration intensity can be adjusted ** If you found that this module doesn't work with your phone, please check out the FAQ . If it still does not work, please send me a link to the ROM you're using and I'll try to make it work. ** Author(s):  itandy Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL:

Xposed StatusBar Mods - Google Play Edition

An Xposed module for (mostly) statusbar modifications. Mainly designed for the HTC One device running GPE ROMs. GE Features Transparent statusbar (with ability to set background color/alpha)Transparent notification pulldown window (with ability to set background color/alpha)100-step battery icons, with optional battery % display during charging animationThemable and replaceable statusbar images, in a simple Zip file format (called XSBM Iconpacks. FYI: GE packs are slightly different than Sense packs.)Experimental support to replace individual application notification icons, in-app icons, and most drawable resources (may not work with all applications; see 2nd post for more information)Center clock mod (thanks to @C3C076)Add AM/PM to clockChange clock colorRemove clock from statusbarRemove battery icon from statusbarColorize battery text and icon display, either fixed (single color) or based on charge rangeChange statusbar icon colors (only replaced/overridden icons, not stock ones)Au...

Material Status Bar

Hi everybody I'm intoducing Material Status Bar !!!! This is a fork of Tinted Status Bar, which aim at making your device look like Lollipop on JB byt coloring the status bar according to the toolbar. The difference between Tinted and Material is that this latter colors the status bar with a darker shade of the toolbar (like Lollipop does). Another goal of this fork is to support AppCompat Toolbar. I searched for several days and couldn't get it. But I'll keep on trying I've only modified a few lines. 99% is by MohammadAG Author(s):  vinz244 ,  MohammadAG Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.vinz243.materialstatusbar Version name:  0.1.2 Release type:  Beta  (some bugs to be expected) Download:  com.vinz243.materialstatusbar_v3_76342a.apk  (455.26 KB) Number of downloads:...

Enable camera on lockscreen

Allows the camera to be opened while the device is locked with a passcode. Opening the gallery will throw the user back into the lockscreen. Tested on Galaxy Note 2 (N7100), but should work on any Samsung device with the Nature UX (SII, SIII, etc...) Author(s):  MohammadAG Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.mohammadag.enablecameraonlockscreen Version name:  1.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.mohammadag.enablecameraonlockscreen_v1_07f7a5.apk  (157.77 KB) Number of downloads:  158,889 in total · 5 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  07f7a58f821a7b7728b37ff12627d44c

Xposed Call Blocker

Xposed Call Blocker is a call blocker implemented on the lowest common userspace level. This means that it's better than any other app at blocking calls without diverting them through the network. Other advantages include minimal RAM usage, since there's no service continuously running in the background. Some features require an unlock key from the Play Store: Features: Block incoming calls on a per-number basis, or using wildcards.Internal call log that stores which calls were blocked.No notifications when a call is blocked, unlike OEM implementations, this allows you to have a completely silent block. (HTC devices might still have a notification)Block outgoing calls to the numbers specified above (requires unlock key)Block calls from private numbers (requires unlock key)Block calls from unknown contacts (requires unlock key)Low RAM usage. Tested on (all running latest stock ROMs) Samsung Galaxy...


# ByeAD 这个是一个禁用新闻客户端广告显示的插件。 ## 网易新闻客户端 目前仅支持v29.1,v31.0,32.0,32.1版本。 ## 关于 本项目为开源项目,只作学习交流使用。 Author(s):  sky-wei Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package: Version name:  1.1.4 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  (1.69 MB) Number of downloads:  685 in total · 9 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  e7c55bad7fea2ea360af3fc8814fef05 Uploaded on:  Wednesday,...


InstantFaceUnlock unlocks your phone the moment your face scan is successful. Usually, once the face scan is complete, you then have to swipe up on the lock screen in order to access your phone. InstantFaceUnlock detects when the face scan is complete, and will automatically dismiss the lockscreen for you. Imagine whenever you unlocked your phone with your fingerprint, you then also had to swipe up - that would be weird, right? For some reason, this is the way Face Unlock works. I guess its because you don't want your phone to unlock whilst you're reading notifications, but there are ways to get around that, as demonstrated by InstantFaceUnlock. Features: • Automatically unlock your phone after face scan is successful • A sexy UI to help you customise • Allow notifications to block auto-unlock, and even which *type* of notification • Allow music controllers such as the Spotify to block auto-unlock • 'Reveal Sensitive Notifications' that are usually h...

NoWhatsApp Receipts

This module helps you avoid some annoying contacts/messages on WhatsApp: - It stops sending read receipts until you reply - It stops sending availability status until you interact with the contact - And it stops sending the composing/typing status Supports WhatsApp 2.17.x and new versions. Author(s):  wanam Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  ma.wanam.nowhatsappreceipt Version name:  2.1 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  ma.wanam.nowhatsappreceipt_v21_6f8067.apk  (10.9 KB) Number of downloads:  18,543 in total · 29 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  6f8067ab5c2d9d199f6b827c183bd369 Uploaded on:  Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 12:25 Changes:  - Stop sending composing/typing status - Stop sending availability status until you interact - F...

Smart Network

This an automated way to change your mobile data state (Off, 2G/GSM only, 3G...), switch NFC/Bluetooth ON/Off, disconnect WiFi or turn it Off when your screen is Off, this should help you improve your battery life. Features: ☆ Disable Data Auto synchronization when your screen is Off ☆ Switch automatically to 2G / Edge or any other mode when your screen is Off ☆ Switch GPS automatically to any mode when your screen is Off (KitKat+) ☆ Turn Off your mobile data when your screen is Off ☆ Disconnect your current WiFi AP when your screen is Off ☆ Turn Off WiFi service when your screen id Off ☆ White list applications for WiFi, GPS, and Mobile data ☆ WiFi SSID White list for WiFi changes ☆ Turn Off NFC when screen is Off ☆ Turn Off Bluetooth when screen is Off ☆ Delay options for each connection type ☆ Timers to activate periodically WiFi/Data/Sync while screen is Off ☆ Wait for screen unlock before tu...

Wanam Kit

/!\ Discontinued /!\ --- Nexus and Google Edition of Samsung Htc... Android KitKat 4.4+ Stock Roms --- - It Requires Xposed Framework 2.4 (Bridge API 42+): Customize your Stock Rom with a lot useful features: -Enable Numeric battery -Clock position (Right, Center, Left, Hide) -Change Color and Typeface of the Battery text -Disable Scrolling cache -Skip Music with Volume buttons -Disable screen turn ON while plunging or unplugging AC/USB cable -Disable loud volume sound warning -Advanced Power menu: (Thanks to CM/C3C076/Kennethso168 @xda) ------ Reboot ------ Recovery ------ HotBoot ------ Download ------ Screen capture ------ Screen recording (Busybox required) ------ Quick Dial number (+ Display number) ------ On/Off Data -Enable Data Roaming on home network only (Thanks to Oma @xda) -Torch (Flashlight) Through Volume UP button -Long back kill App -CM Circle Battery -Hide/Set Color of Battery Text -...

YouTube AdAway

This is a simple Xposed module to help you get rid of ads on the official YouTube App, it also supports YouTube TV/Gaming/Kids What's in: - Remove in-video YouTube Ads - Remove Information card teasers How to Install: - Install Xposed Installer App - Install Xposed framework and Xposed Installer - Install YouTube AdAway App - Open Xposed Installer App and enable my App on the modules list - Reboot Report a bug: 1- Get logs from Xposed Installer 2- Create an issue with the logs attached: Notes: -  Reboot is a MUST after updating YouTube App or my App - This application is NOT a modified YouTube App - You won't get any (signature) issues if you update your official YouTube App - If you get any issues playing YouTube videos you can just uninstall my App or disable it on the Xposed modules list Author(s):  wanam Support/Discussion URL: Source...

App locale 2

Xposed App Locale Set the language used by app. This is a fork of the module made by @jiefoxi, which seems to be abandoned. Credits jiefoxi/XposedAppLocale => rovo89/XposedAppSettings => License Apache License, Version 2.0 Author(s):  Flo354 ,  jiefoxi Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.flo354.xposed.applocale Version name:  2.0.5 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.flo354.xposed.applocale_v11_e033c7.apk  (1.04 MB) Number of downloads:  1,927 in total · 58 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  e033c78074322df78a15d52a045b299e Uploaded on:  Saturday, March 10, 2018 - 18:14 Changes:  Support for new languages

Android Apps Theme Engine [ads/ads Free]

Android Apps Theme Engine [Decompiling And Recompiling To Theme Your Android Application will be a thing of the PAST] [A Warehouse Of Android Application Themes] IT'S UP ON XDA PORTAL [SIZE="4"]Android Apps Theme Engine is the Theming tool of the future. It allows you to theme your favorite Android Apps On The Go**. It is a Xposed Module and so requires root + Xposed to work. It allows you to change the look of the app to great extent. It will not theme the framework and so all changes done are private to each app and so is much stable then a System Level Theming App. Features: It's main feature is to theme Android Apps. It's Stable. It contains Ads Which can be Enabled or Disabled[Startapp Adds.] Requirements: Android Apps Theme Engine requires Xposed to be installed in your Android Device. It also requires ROOT for applying the themes On The Go** with out the need to "restart the mobile"*. It also requires an Android version 4.0+ to run. Not...

Google Play Theme Engine (Trial)

Welcome to Google Play Theme Engine Xposed Module Thread. Your best companion to Theme Google Play to your liking. Features : Supports Theming : 1. Primary and Accent Colours of different sections of the Play Store(Apps, Movies, books, etc...) 2. Statusbar Colour according to Primary Colour(Android Lollipop +) 3. App background. [Not Available in Free Version] 4. App Texts. [Not Available in Free Version] 5. Links throughout the app.[To be Added.] Extra Mods : 1. App Name : Change Google Play Name to your liking. [Not Available in Free Version] Versions : 15 Days Trial Version :[Buy License key to use the module after trial expires]. Complete Free to use version with all features unlocked. 15 Days usage limit. Free: Free to use, limited access to features. No time limit. Paid[License Key + Trial Version] : All features unlocked. Same as 15 days trial version except that there's no time limit for it. License Key Now Available at our  Website Author(s):  v...

Gmail Theme Engine-Free

Your best companion to Theme Gmail to your liking. Compatible with phone running API 16 and up: Tested on : LG G2 (LP), Samsung S4 (KK) Features : Helps in theming Gmail App. Primary Theme : Text Themeing Background Theming Choose a complete new set of colours Author(s):  vishal11in Support/Discussion URL: Package:  in.proficientapps.gmte.lite Version name:  1.1 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  in.proficientapps.gmte.lite_v2_37341c.apk  (1.37 MB) Number of downloads:  9,070 in total · 2 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  37341c0e0bfabd17b5c8fadaed716b49 Uploaded on:  Thursday, February 18, 2016 - 12:27 Changes:  Fixed the themeing issue as the latest gmail update in playstore stopped it. Pls. only update if the themeing stopped due to update.

[API 16 - 25]Ultimate WhatsApp Theme Engine Pro with Trial

Ultimate WhatsApp Theme Engine a.k.a. UWTE is the modern way of modifying your beloved WhatsApp. Forget all the hassle of uninstalling official apk and installing modded ones. Mod your existing official installation to your linking. This is safer and easier to use than any modded apk. UWTE comes in two different versions, namely: UWTE Lite:- This is a free to use version with limitations. You are provided with options to choose Primary colour and Accent colour. Than these two colours are used to theme your WhatsApp. UWTE Pro [Previously was known as UWTE Trial]:- This is the more advanced version which provides you full control over the mods and comes with other features such as Multiple Backup/Restore of Preferences, Themes & Theme Store, on the go changes, etc. This version comes with 15 days of complete free usage. No limitations whatsoever. Once the trial period of 15 days is over, you need to buy the License Key to continue using the Module or else move to the free version....