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Showing posts from April, 2017

Call to a function with sending data from another View Controller in Swift Xcode iOS Application

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A simple native root hide tool. Only support ARM , ARM64 and some x86 emulator. It's used to help me play some games.(such as fate/go ,summons board...) Feature: -Bypass native root and xposed check. -Fake the env. property. -App hide. Donation: Author(s):  wdcat Support/Discussion URL: Package:  cat.dcat.roothide Version name: Release type:  Experimental  (high risk of bugs) Download:  cat.dcat.roothide_v65_6a9486.apk  (4.17 MB) Number of downloads:  70 in total · 70 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  6a9486bd8ce79adcaab0d463d53f2568 Uploaded on:  Sunday, April 30, 2017 - 12:29 Changes:  * add new root hide methods. NOT work for all devices. Test passed on Xperia Z3 with CM13. * non-xposed mode and emulator support are still in developing...

GravityBox [JB]

GravityBox  is a module which primary goal is to provide the users of MediaTek platform (which is well known for not being opensource friendly) with a tweak box to turn their vanilla Android stock ROM into custom ROM packed with additional features and tweaks. Additionally, it should run on any device having vanilla or close to vanilla Android not diverting too much from AOSP (Android Open Source Project). THIS VERSION IS FOR JELLYBEAN ROMs AND WILL REFUSE TO INSTALL ON KITKAT For KitKat, use GravityBox [KK] instead. Main features - QuickSettings tile management with additional tiles and tile reordering - CyanogenMod Pie Controls - Lockscreen targets - Expanded desktop - Lockscreen tweaks - Statusbar tweaks - Navigation bar tweaks - Power tweaks - Display tweaks - Phone tweaks - Media tweaks - Hardware key actions - Smart Radio - Ultimate notification control ... and many more Compatibility - Supports most of the MTK devices (MT6589/MT6577/MT8389) runnin...


XSTANA is an XPOSED-FRAMEWORK module  that theme your navigation and status bars. MAKE SURE THAT YOU FULLY READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE CONTACTING ME OR RATE THIS APP. _______________________________ *REQUIREMENTS* : A rooted device. Xposed-Framework running on your device. _______________________________ *MAIN FEATURES* : Status Bar theme: Apply a theme on these icons: alarm, wifi, signal, bluetooth, gps, battery, sync, ringer, headset. Adjust what icons to theme. You can choose what icons to theme. Navigation Bar theme: Apply an embedded theme on these elements : back, back-ime, home, recent, menu, search, highlight, background(translucent mode only). Apply a personalized theme with your own images on : back, back-ime, home, recent, menu, search, highlight, background(translucent mode only), qmemo(LG), qslide(LG), dual window(LG), notification down/up(LG). Adjust : background, scale-type, buttons color. You should test at least one theme ...

All My...

Collection of various tweaks for CyanogenMod/AOSP/TouchWiz and few apps (Firefox, Adobe Reader, MX Player). List of tweaks: Disable Su Indicator - Disable # (pound/hash) indicator in status bar Always Software Menu - Allows to have both software menu button and menu mapped to key on CM. Workaround for this. No Toast Icons Pocket First - Make Pocket the first option when sharing Desk Clock Alarm - Make Alarm the default tab in stock/Google Desk Clock One Way Brightness - Make auto brightness go only up Battery Light Disabler - Battery light will not shine when in downtime (Interruptions) or when the screen is on One Hand Zoom Enabler (Firefox/Adobe Reader) Battery History XXL - Enlarge the stock settings battery history - from 10 to 30 records Native Freezer - Disable and re-enable any 3rd party app from System Settings Minimum Brightness (MX Player/system) - Change the minimum brightness level from usual 10 to 1 Gentle Haptic Feedback ...

WeXposed (微X模块)

集合我之前的3个模块(微信转发模块,微信防撤回模块,微信通讯录管理模块)重新发布 之前的模块遭到盗版已经永久停更 免费提供 别用盗版 如果觉得这个模块对你有用,请捐赠支持我 Due to piracy my previous modules (WechatUnrecalled, WechatContactsManager, WechatForwarder) are deprecated If you think this module is useful, please consider a donation to support me -防止微信撤回消息 -转发微信聊天里的图片...


PrivacyProxy app helps you protect your private information by giving you control of what information is sent out from your device. Privacy Proxy is unique as it even filters the personal app identifiers if you choose to do so. The PrivacyProxy app is developed as a joint effort by the research team of CHIMPS Lab and Synergy Lab at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. By installing PrivacyProxy, you actively contribute to research efforts aiming to enhance privacy standards in the mobile ecosystem. You may help in improving the state-of-the-art methods to protect your private data while using your mobile as you always do. [Note] We don't forward your traffic to any remote server for analysis. We do all the analysis on your phone and all your personal data remains on your phone. Why do you need the different permissions? We need the location permission to double check if the information sent being sent out is actually location. This helps in filtering the permission...

QXposed (QX模块)

QQUnrecalled (QQ防撤回模块)改名重新发布 -防止QQ撤回消息 -自动领取红包 -控制骰子 如果觉得这个模块对你有用请捐赠支持我 If you think this module is useful please consider a donation Author(s):  fkzhang Support/Discussion URL: Package:  com.fkzhang.qqxposed Version name:  1.6 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.fkzhang.qqxposed_v7_4bde5e.apk  (1.83 MB) Number of downloads:  3,651 in total · 1,077 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  4bde5e76a1df5fd45499b69f3fc2b979 Uploaded on:  Friday, April 28, 2017 - 14:38 Changes:  -提高稳...


Now compatible with Grindr 3.0+ A few years ago, Grindr decided to switch to a larger, 3-column thumbnail layout which made sense when phones had smaller displays. Phones these days often feature larger displays, so with this module you can restore the original 4-column layout of the Grindr cascade. User can also select a custom location for the ability to browse profiles of guys in other cities. Please note that each release of GrindrMod is specifically tied to a particular range of versions of the Grindr app. Each release will be guaranteed to function  only  with the specified versions of Grindr. This release is compatible with Grindr versions  3.0.10 - 3.6.0 FEATURES: ✓ Custom location picker with favorites ✓ Optional persistent statusbar notification ✓ Launcher icon ✓ Selectable 2, 3, 4 or 5-column grid layout ✓ Individual control over notification sounds ✓ Instagram links now open directly in Instag...

X Firewall

Load the application list faster. Tips: 1.The "Roam", "Mobile" and "WIFI" icons are clickable. It's helpful to select roam, mobile or/and wifi for current app list which filtered by "All", "SYS" or "User" button. 2. Start app via its icon in list. 3. Support switching configuration . Author(s):  Jacky Mak Support/Discussion URL: Package:  dev.MakPersonalStudio.XposedFirewall Version name:  1.4.1 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  dev.MakPersonalStudio.XposedFirewall_v2_a07399.apk  (1.93 MB) Number of downloads:  198 in total · 51 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  a073991e69f8f79ea15a8f37465732d3 Uploaded on:  Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 14:10 Changes:  bugfixes

YouTube AdAway

This is a simple Xposed module to help you get rid of ads on the official YouTube App, it also supports YouTube TV/Gaming/Kids What's in: - Remove YouTube Ads - Remove Channel Logo - Remove videos suggestions - Remove Information card teasers How to Install: - Install Xposed Installer App - Install Xposed framework and Xposed Installer - Install YouTube AdAway App - Open Xposed Installer App and enable my App on the modules list - Reboot - Clear YouTube App data Q: Why this application "may" requires an update for each official YouTube App update. A:  Because the YouTube application sources are proguarded, which means the generated classes  names  (by Proguard) are changing for each release, this should happen only if a clean proguard (producing a new classes map) is done, that's why we need to update the classes names on YouTube AdAway each time. Notes: -  Reboot is a MUST after updating YouTube App or my App - This application is NOT a modifi...


This module is based on MohammadAG's Instagram Downloader that is no longer supported. ****Marshmallow Users**** **Please enable storage access to Instagram (Setting -> Apps -> Instagram -> Permissions).** Compatibility Instagram 6.15 - 10.19.0 (Includes Beta Versions) Features: - Change Default Save Locations - Comment Copy Feature (Removed by Instagram) - Direct Share Downloading - Feed Downloading - Follow Indicator (Indicates when someone is following you) - Following Data To List (See all the users you are following) - Profile Icon Downloading - Stories Downloading - Stories Timer Removal - Unique Hook Updating Instructions: - Enable Module - Open Instagram App - Find Desired Image/Video - Click Three Dot Icon and Download - It's downloading! Author(s):  iHelp101 ,  MohammadAG Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL:  https://githu...


钉钉抢红包插件,基于 Xposed 框架,速度快得令人发指。为避免过度拉仇恨,请谨慎使用。 源码地址: 适配钉钉版本:3.0.0、3.0.1、3.0.3、3.1.0、3.1.1、3.1.2、3.2.0、3.3.0、3.3.1、3.3.3、3.3.5、3.4.0、3.4.6、3.4.8 Author(s):  veryyoung Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  me.veryyoung.dingding.luckymoney Version name:  1.1.6 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  me.veryyoung.dingding....

微信主题Colorful Wechat

多彩微信,舞动色彩。 新增适配 wechat 6.5.7 2.0 功能: 1. 新增两个免费主题,背景换肤 2. 增加是否能安装成功的提示 3. 改首页的任意颜色:置顶,状态栏,底部,背景色等 4. 适配6.5.4和6.5.6 Colorful Wechat。 Function: change all colors in wechat and two free theme. Author(s):  chaojimiaomiao ,  rarnu1985 Support/Discussion URL: Package:  com.rarnu.tophighlight Version name:  2.1.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.rarnu.tophighlight_v3_...


- 模拟定位虚拟坐标位置,使用百度地图SDK选择地图坐标。可以伪装任意位置,对微信,QQ,陌陌等众多软件有效。 使用方法: - 安装APP - 在Xposed框架中启用本模块 - 重启手机 - 随便选择一个地图POI坐标 - Fake My GPS allows you to select a custom GPS location that will be seen by apps of your choosing. How to use : - Install app. - Enable module in xposed framework. - Open app and select a new place. - Reboot . Author(s):  pushebp Support/Discussion URL: Package:  com.bigsing.fak...

X Messenger Privacy

Block  "typing" (3 dots) indication Hide  like (thumbs up) button  in  conversations  to prevent accidental presses Hide  like (thumbs up) button  in  expanded notifications Hide  "Invite to Messenger" banner & button  in conversations with people not using Messenger Block  message "seen" indication  from appearing to others (premium version) Click twice on a message in a thread, to  manually mark it seen  (premium version) Hide your chat status  completely (also  hide online minutes ) (premium version) Facebook app stealth mode : Hide online status when using Facebook app (for Android prior to 5.0, use a Facebook app version <100 or >=103) (premium version) See who's online, while appearing offline  by using the two above features (premium version) Hide  audio & video call buttons  in conversations, to prevent accidental presses (premium v...

Savitar Reveals his Identity to Killer Frost - The Flash 3x19 Ending Scene - Part #16

Android Device Changer

查看并修改安卓手机设备信息: IMEI、AndroidID、Wifi Mac、SerialNum、Wifi SSID、手机号、Bluetooth Mac、Google Ad Id、Wifi BSSID、IMSI、Sim卡状态、运营商信息、机器型号、制造商、品牌、系统版本、CPU_ABI、CPU_ABI2、SDK、BuildID、分辨率、IP等。 使用方法: - 安装APP,运行APP即可查看手机信息,可以随机修改信息 - 安装Xposed - 在Xposed框架中启用本模块 - 重启手机 ...

GravityBox [KK]

GravityBox  is a module which primary goal is to provide the users of AOSP devices with a tweak box to turn their vanilla AOSP ROM into custom ROM packed with additional features and tweaks without need to flash anything. Most of the preferences can be changed on-the-fly without rebooting. THIS VERSION IS FOR KITKAT ROMs AND WILL REFUSE TO INSTALL ON JELLYBEAN For JellyBean, use GravityBox [JB] instead. Main features - QuickSettings tile management with additional tiles and tile reordering - CyanogenMod Pie Controls - Lockscreen targets - Expanded desktop with semi-immersive and immersive modes - Lockscreen tweaks - Statusbar tweaks - Navigation bar tweaks - Power tweaks - Display tweaks - Media tweaks - Hardware key actions - Dialer tweaks - Launcher tweaks - Screen recording - Smart radio - Notification control (per-app notification LED/sounds/vibrations) ... and many more Compatibility - Supports AOSP devices running vanilla Android 4.4 - Supports ...


1, you can convert the application to VR mode to watch and operate. 2, support the Bluetooth handle. 3, VR mode to support the up and down volume keys to control the screen size. 4, support touch screen operation, touch screen area from the upper left corner of the physical screen to start mapping 5, there may be some BUG, restart the phone can be restored 6, please note that the application supports android 5.0 or later 7,support global VR mode in landscape apps(open settings,find Accessibility and enable Magification gestrues) Author(s):  app2vr Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.app360.app360 Version name:  24.0 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.app360.app360_v24_981a5a.apk  (1.43 MB) Number of downloads:  70 in total · 70 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:...

QXposed (QX模块)

QQUnrecalled (QQ防撤回模块)改名重新发布 -防止QQ撤回消息 -自动领取红包 -控制骰子 如果觉得这个模块对你有用请捐赠支持我 If you think this module is useful please consider a donation Author(s):  fkzhang Support/Discussion URL: Package:  com.fkzhang.qqxposed Version name:  1.5 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.fkzhang.qqxposed_v6_795994.apk  (1.67 MB) Number of downloads:  2,683 in total · 2,683 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  79599465da8697d1e372a167f8cfc5df Uploaded on:  Sunday, April 23, 2017 - 14:42 Changes:  -修复设...


Glitchify provides various tweaks and additions to the official Twitch app. Features FrankerFaceZ  emotes and badges in chat Custom FFZ mod icons Better TwitchTV  emotes and badges in chat Badge hiding for any Twitch, FFZ, or BTTV badge Combine and move bits emoticons to the end of messages to keep chat cleaner Add timestamps to messages Prevent chat from being cleared Show deleted messages Specify length of chat scrollback Author(s):  BatedUrGonnaDie Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL: Package:  com.leagueofnewbs.glitchify Version name:  1.7.2 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  com.leagueofnewbs.glitchify_v18_97898b.apk  (654.9 KB) Number of downloads:  112 in total · 112 in the last 24 hours MD5 chec...

WeXposed (微X模块)

集合我之前的3个模块(微信转发模块,微信防撤回模块,微信通讯录管理模块)重新发布 之前的模块遭到盗版已经永久停更 免费提供 别用盗版 如果觉得这个模块对你有用,请捐赠支持我 Due to piracy my previous modules (WechatUnrecalled, WechatContactsManager, WechatForwarder) are deprecated If you think this module is useful, please consider a donation to support me -防止微信撤回消息 -转发微信聊天里的图片...


Options Change default opened pane when app starts "Playlist" and "Subscription" preferences require you to input an ID. You can get it from YouTube URLs: Playlist ID: . (e.g. ) Subscription ID: . (e.g. ) Set maximum default resolution Replay video automatically (if it's not a part of playlist) Skip update reminder screen [Experimental] Remove checks for resolutions higher than the device screen Module version matches the latest YouTube app version it was tested on. Credits YourTube+ was largely based on an Xposed module  YourTube  by  GermainZ . Author(s):  Mikanoshi Support/Discussion URL: Source code URL:...


The general purpose of this module is that it allows users to bypass root detection and enable device spoofing tactics (if need to be) on all your favourite Kiwi applications such as TVNZ OnDemand, 3NOW, ANZ GoMoney New Zealand and (any carrier variant of) Semble so users with rooted or non-supported devices can take advantage of these services that were previously disabled for them. If you are Australian and are looking for a similar feature to use with the ANZ Mobile Pay application,  click here . XDA Thread For the latest information, please go the XDA Thread as I do not update this information here regularly. Additionally all the information here is better formatted in the XDA thread. Disclaimer The author and contributors of SuperKiwi as well as ANZ, Semble, TVNZ, Mediaworks and their partners take no responsibility for any loss of data, monetary loss, damage to your device or any other consequences that arise as a result of using this program. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK...

X Firewall

Tips: 1.The "Roam", "Mobile" and "WIFI" icons are clickable. It's helpful to select roam, mobile or/and wifi for current app list which filtered by "All", "SYS" or "User" button. 2. Start app via its icon in list. 3. Support switching configuration . Author(s):  Jacky Mak Support/Discussion URL: Package:  dev.MakPersonalStudio.XposedFirewall Version name:  1.3 Release type:  Stable  (low risk of bugs) Download:  dev.MakPersonalStudio.XposedFirewall_v2_78cafb.apk  (1.93 MB) Number of downloads:  343 in total · 58 in the last 24 hours MD5 checksum:  78cafb380a2186f56762d9426fb4cf40 Uploaded on:  Friday, April 21, 2017 - 03:38 Changes:  Support switching configuration.


XSTANA is an XPOSED-FRAMEWORK module  that theme your navigation and status bars. MAKE SURE THAT YOU FULLY READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE CONTACTING ME OR RATE THIS APP. _______________________________ *REQUIREMENTS* : A rooted device. Xposed-Framework running on your device. _______________________________ *MAIN FEATURES* : Status Bar theme: Apply a theme on these icons: alarm, wifi, signal, bluetooth, gps, battery, sync, ringer, headset. Adjust what icons to theme. You can choose what icons to theme. Navigation Bar theme: Apply an embedded theme on these elements : back, back-ime, home, recent, menu, search, highlight, background(translucent mode only). Apply a personalized theme with your own images on : back, back-ime, home, recent, menu, search, highlight, background(translucent mode only), qmemo(LG), qslide(LG), dual window(LG), notification down/up(LG). Adjust : background, scale-type, buttons color. You should test at least one theme ...


The general purpose of this module is that it allows users to bypass root detection and enable device spoofing tactics (if need to be) on all your favourite Kiwi applications such as TVNZ OnDemand, 3NOW, ANZ GoMoney New Zealand and (any carrier variant of) Semble so users with rooted or non-supported devices can take advantage of these services that were previously disabled for them. If you are Australian and are looking for a similar feature to use with the ANZ Mobile Pay application,  click here . XDA Thread For the latest information, please go the XDA Thread as I do not update this information here regularly. Additionally all the information here is better formatted in the XDA thread. Disclaimer The author and contributors of SuperKiwi as well as ANZ, Semble, TVNZ, Mediaworks and their partners take no responsibility for any loss of data, monetary loss, damage to your device or any other consequences that arise as a result of using this program. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK...

GravityBox [MM]

READ THIS CAREFULLY!!! Version for Marshmallow has been tested on Nexus 5 and thus should be compatible with all the Nexus devices running stock Google system. GravityBox  is a module which primary goal is to provide the users of AOSP devices with a tweak box to turn their vanilla AOSP ROM into custom ROM packed with additional features and tweaks without need to flash anything. Most of the preferences can be changed on-the-fly without rebooting. THIS VERSION IS FOR MARSHMALLOW ROMs For Lollipop, use GravityBox [LP] For KitKat, use GravityBox [KK] For JellyBean, use GravityBox [JB] Main features - QuickSettings tile management with additional tiles and tile reordering - CyanogenMod Pie Controls - Expanded desktop with semi-immersive and immersive modes - Lockscreen tweaks - Statusbar tweaks - Navigation bar tweaks - Power tweaks - Display tweaks - Media tweaks - Hardware key actions - Dialer tweaks - Launcher tweaks - Screen recording - Smart radio - N...